Vladimir Klimanov, Director of the IPEI Regional Policy Center of the Presidential Academy, said that with the help of increased personal income tax or additional taxation of the richest citizens, it is possible to achieve social and regional justice in Russia. socialbites.ca comments on the statement of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin on tax reform.
“The tax system of any country should focus primarily on saturating budget revenues. However, one of its relevant duties is related to ensuring social justice in the country, that is, the most equal distribution of public goods among members of society. To include this phenomenon in the regional dimension, that is, to ensure regional justice, so to speak,” Klimanov explained.
The economist noted that this could be achieved by introducing various differentiated taxation systems. According to him, there is a solution to this problem in the form of a combination of tax and budget policy instruments – the centralization of revenues collected in the budget and their subsequent redistribution in a special way in favor of less wealthy citizens or (in the regional direction) less wealthy regions.
Mishustin, speaking with a report in the State Duma on April 3, statedHe said that the upcoming tax reform should not only ensure the flow of revenue to the budget, but also reduce inequality in society and regional development.
Previously Russian President Vladimir Putin supported Progressive taxes for Russians.
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Source: Gazeta

Ben Stock is a business analyst and writer for “Social Bites”. He offers insightful articles on the latest business news and developments, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the business world.