Wikipedia is the most visited website in 43 countries, but football wins in Spain

We spend hours on the internet every day. But every country has different habits. That’s why domain provider Hostinger made a map of what’s what. websites the world’s most visited, a leading ranking Wikipedia and that leaves a few wonders.

Google, Facebook and YouTube They are by far the most visited web pages in the world. Domains are so absolute that Hostinger chose to separate them and analyze what are the other most popular domains, leaving behind a map with more diverse consumption. Wikipedia is thus the most visited page in 43 countries, including France, Germany, Australia, India and Cameroon.

The second position is for Twitter. Bluebird’s social network is the most visited website in 10 countries such as Mexico, South Africa, Saudi Arabia or Chile.

Third place goes to the e-commerce giant Amazon and sports environment kooora, both websites are the most visited sites in four countries. Amazon dominates searches in the United States, and Kooora does so in Jordan or Algeria. Baltic News Portal delphi and forum reddit They are in fourth place along with three countries.

football wins in spain

Hostinger’s studio is hitting Spain’s skyline with a soccer ball, and it does so because the most visited website here is none other than sports media MARCA.

This fact is not abnormal as there are several European countries where websites are available. media local. The most visited page in the UK, BBC and Delphi in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. This commitment to digital media is also occurring in Denmark, Norway, Finland, Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, among others. The BBC is the most visited media in up to 12 countries, while MARCA ranks first out of the five (Spain, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama and Venezuela).

Hostinger’s analysis leaves a lot of curiosities. Netflix is ​​the most visited page in Sierra Leone, 9GAG in Nicaragua, Nintenderos in Guatemala, Blogspot in Bolivia, 4chan in Georgia or IMDB in Liberia. Citizens of Peru spend the most time watching movies and television per day, and citizens of the Philippines who dedicate it to social networks total four hours and 15 minutes a day.

The study does not include China as well as much of Asia and Africa as “not connected at all” as they point out, as it uses an internet that is closed to the world and under the control of the communist government.

Source: Informacion


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