Employees of the Verkhnechonskneftegaz company, which is part of the Rosneft oil and gas production complex, drilled a horizontal well in the Verkhnechonskoye oil and gas condensate field, setting a new record in daily penetration, which reached 1088 meters per day. The average daily figure on the field in 2024 was 650 meters. This was reported by the press service of Rosneft.
The company noted that the daily progress in this field, located in the Katangsky district of the Irkutsk region, has increased by 11 meters since 2021. The switch to Russian-made drilling tools and downhole equipment helped achieve this result. In addition, drilling speed indicators have been increased due to optimization of drilling processes, engineering developments and the use of modern domestic technologies.
Rosneft announced that all stage-type drilling rigs in the field are equipped with domestic robotic equipment for connecting drilling pipes. Verkhnechonskneftegaz uses a special drilling fluid that ensures high-quality extraction of rocks and maintains high buoyancy.
Since the beginning of the development of the Verkhnechonskoye field, the total excavation volume has exceeded 3 million meters and the thousandth production well has been drilled. At an average field development rate, this means oil workers are working on one well per week.
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Source: Gazeta

Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.