A highly rated mod for GTA V became unavailable after writers contacted Rockstar 14:11

At the end of 2024, the World Travel modding team released the Liberty City Preservation Project modification for GTA V, which added the city of Liberty City to the game from the fourth episode. After some time, the work was deleted by the authors “after contacting Rockstar Games”. DTF.

It is stated that the modification was developed over six years and quickly gained popularity among GTA fans, who greatly appreciated its quality and called it one of the best in GTA V. However, in mid-January, the authors announced that the change was being finalized. from working on the project.

The World Travel team noted that they did not expect this much interest in their work and decided to stop the project after contacting Rockstar. Closed, including the possibility to download the change.

The modders emphasized that there was no conflict between them and Rockstar and that the team plans to continue creating modifications for GTA games. However, it was not stated on what grounds Rockstar expressed its complaints about the project.

As DTF noted, in 2017, Rockstar’s developers requested the closure of a similar project to port Liberty City to GTA V.

Previously reportedIt is stated that increasing the price of GTA VI to $ 100 will help the video game industry.

What are you thinking?

Source: Gazeta


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