Fraudsters have begun implementing a new scheme to steal data via Telegram messenger by sending messages containing malware. about this RIA Novosti An expert from the Popular Front side said. Analytical” Alla Khrapunova.
“Recently, signals have begun to come that Telegram users are receiving messages from unknown people with the question: “Is it you in the photo?” But the photo itself is not visible, the message is closed for viewing, it looks like a file and has the APK extension,” said the expert.
Khrapunova added that after downloading the file, a malicious program was installed on the user’s device. With its help, attackers can access various data, including online banking applications.
The expert emphasized that photos cannot have an APK extension. Khrapunova noted that a similar format is also found in malware.
November 22, Solar AURA Development Director of the Center for Monitoring External Digital Threats of the Solar Group of Companies Alexander Vurasko saidHe said that since the summer of 2024, scammers have been actively creating automated chats to hijack Russians’ Telegram accounts.
Previously Russian retired translated gave loans and gave 8.5 million rubles to fraudsters.
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Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.