Telegram users started receiving personal messages containing files that may contain viruses. It was written about this telegram channel Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for organizing the fight against illegal use of information and communication technologies.
Signed files are sent with special messages encouraging users to open them. At first glance the documents look and are labeled like images, but they have an APK extension.
The Ministry emphasized that photos cannot have such an extension, unlike malware, and warned that they should not be downloaded in any case.
Alla Khrapunova, curator of the Popular Front platform “Moshelovka” in August saidIt turned out that fraudsters started stealing Telegram accounts by sending many codes to enter Messenger.
According to him, the attackers use a fake Telegram Security Messenger account after sending the codes. With the help of it, they send the victim a link that will allegedly increase the security of the account. However, the curator stated that it was dangerous to go over them.
Russians before saidHow to secure your data in the cloud.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.