Russian businessman, founder of the VKontakte social network and one of the creators of the Telegram messenger Pavel Durov, expressed his desire to share “life stories”. About this billionaire wrote on the official English Telegram channel.
“40. As my birthday approaches, I realize that I have many life stories to tell. Should I start posting them here?” – Durov asked his readers.
13.4 million people subscribed to Durov’s Telegram channel. At the time the news was published, the businessman’s post received more than 300 thousand views. About 61 thousand people voted in favor of Durov sharing stories from his life, while less than 6 thousand were against it.
Pavel Durov was detained while getting off a private plane at Paris Le Bourget airport on August 24 at around 21:00 Moscow time. On the evening of August 28, a court in Paris indicted Telegram founder Pavel Durov on six counts. These include refusal to transfer information to special services, complicity in the possession of pornography, including by minors, complicity in the acquisition, transportation, storage and sale of drugs.
Durov was placed under judicial custody with bail of 5 million euros and the obligation to report to the police twice a week. It is forbidden to leave French territory.
Previously appearedTelegram will have its own YouTube analogue.
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Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.