After the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France, scammers began to attack cryptocurrency investors and traders using this information flow. Attackers lure Russians and others into Durov’s non-existent investment projects and then clean the victims’ crypto wallets. This was told to by the leading analyst of the Digital Risk Protection department of FAS.ST (formerly Group-IB, – “”) Evgeny Egorov.
Scam ads usually focus on promising potential victims free distribution of Toncoin and Notcoin cryptocurrencies associated with Telegram and Durov. In particular, under the guise of news from well-known media, messages appeared stating that Pavel Durov’s new investment project will make all people financially independent, which is why he was arrested.
“Cryptocurrency holders, especially Toncoin, should be wary of Internet resources that support Pavel Durov or somehow use news of his arrest. By connecting your crypto wallets to dubious sites on cryptocurrency topics, you can become a victim of fraud and lose money,” Egorov warned.
According to the expert, the most popular tool of cybercriminals in this context are the so-called crypto drains. Crypto drain is a type of malware designed to quickly and automatically empty crypto wallets, that is, to drain all the assets from them to the attackers’ wallets.
“The victim logs into the phishing site, connects his crypto wallet, confirms the transaction permission and thus allows the malicious program resident on the site to access his crypto assets,” Egorov explained.
Previously Russian companies set The most common types of hacker attacks.
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Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.