The judicial control of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France may last until the end of the investigation, that is, up to several years. He said in an interview RIA Novosti said the businessman’s lawyer, David Libeskind.
At the same time, the human rights activist noted that Durov could apply to the judge at any time with a request to ease the supervision. According to Libeskind, criminal investigations in France, as a rule, last 3-4 years, and the judge regularly summons the person concerned for questioning.
The lawyer added that the fact that the billionaire was not sent to a pre-trial detention centre could mean that he could prove he resided in France.
Durova was detained Getting off a private jet at Le Bourget Airport in France on the evening of August 24. The entrepreneur arrived in the country from Azerbaijan.
On the evening of August 28, a Paris court indicted Pavel Durov on six charges, including refusing to cooperate with intelligence services, cyber fraud, complicity in the distribution of drugs and child pornography via Telegram. Durov was placed under judicial supervision: released on €5 million bail with the obligation to report to the police twice a week. He is prohibited from leaving French territory. More details material “”.
It was previously reported that Durov was still alive. did not contribute €5 million bail.
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Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.