The Belgian Institute for Post and Telecommunications (BIPT), which oversees Telegram in the European Union, has not received any data indicating that the messenger violated the new rules for the operation of social networks in the EU. This was reported by RIA NovostiReferring to the official representative of the Belgian regulator Nathalie Dumont.
“The IBPT has not received information to date under the EU Digital Services Act regarding Telegram’s failure to respond to orders from the authorities in accordance with Articles 9 and 10,” he said in response to a question about whether Telegram founder Pavel Durov would be detained in response to complaints about violations of pan-European rules.
Dumont also said the regulator would continue to closely monitor how the messenger complies with the authorities’ instructions.
Durova was detained Getting off a private jet at Le Bourget Airport in France on the evening of August 24. The entrepreneur arrived in the country from Azerbaijan.
In the French police stated The businessman was accused of refusing to cooperate on cyber and financial crimes on Telegram, Reuters reported. They added that Durov was under investigation by the national cybercrime and fraud departments.
At the same time, the prosecutor’s office clarifiedDurov is accused of committing 12 crimes, he added. The businessman was questioned as part of an investigation “involving an unnamed person” in connection with several suspected cybercrimes.
Medvedev earlier in the name Macron will leave France until the “Durov army” comes for him.
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Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.