Before September 1, the number of attacks to hijack WhatsApp profiles increased, with scammers using the “Vote for my daughter in the contest” scheme. I explained this RIA Novosti Denis Kalemberg, Commercial Director of SafeTech.
“As September 1 approaches, we are seeing an increase in ‘Vote for My Daughter’ social engineering attacks aimed at hijacking WhatsApp accounts. We assume that the concentration of attackers is related to the start of the academic year, people returning from vacation, and the intensification of school chats,” he said.
The expert explained that the cyber attack happens like this: The victim receives a message from a friend asking them to vote for their child or their friends’ children in a competition like dancing, gymnastics, etc. A voting link is attached to the post. If the user decides to vote, they follow the link and re-authorize the messenger.
In fact, scammers “hijack” your account under the pretext of authorization and gain access to your contacts. After that, they can use various methods, from asking for money from friends to calling the general managers of companies.
“Similar attacks were common about a year ago, but then there was talk of Telegram account takeovers,” Kalemberg added.
Also security expert, head of the Zecurion analytical center Vladimir Ulyanov It has been saidIn Russia, it was noted that cases of “hijacking” of Russian accounts on the Gosuslugi portal by scammers have become more frequent. Attackers act in different ways, including by registering for fluorography under compulsory health insurance and other services. You can protect your accounts on different resources using two-factor authentication.
Previously, Russian bank customers warned About hacker attacks using eSIM technology.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.