Scammers have started stealing Telegram accounts by sending numerous codes to log in to the messenger. RIA Novosti The curator of the Popular Front platform “Moshelovka”, Alla Khrapunova, said:
According to him, after sending the codes, the attackers use a fake Telegram Security Messenger account. With its help, they send the victim a link that allegedly increases the security of the account. However, the curator noted that it is dangerous to go through them.
“If you need to navigate, you should first check the link through special services to detect embedded virus content,” Khrapunova advised.
Kaspersky Lab senior content analyst Olga Svistunova in May reportedIt was noted that in the first quarter of 2024, the number of phishing resources on Telegram increased by 1.5 times compared to the same period of the previous year. According to him, phishers often change their legends, but they always have one goal: to lure potential victims to a fake messenger authorization page.
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Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.