Authorities in Amsterdam, Netherlands, have banned government employees from using the Telegram messaging app on their work phones. This is what he writes about RIA Novosti Referring to Alexander Scholtes, a member of the municipal council of the Dutch capital.
According to the civil servant, authorities banned the use of Telegram due to “criminal activities and the risk of enforcement and espionage”. He explained to the BNR radio station that the ban was imposed in April but had not been announced to the public until now.
Scholtes also said that the messenger was used by hackers, scammers and drug dealers.
It was announced that Amsterdam is the only municipality in the country where authorities ban the use of Telegram.
August 13 Telegram accepted A fine of 4 million rubles in Russia for refusing to delete information banned in the country. The company was found guilty of violating Part 2 of Article 13.41 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.
Previously It became knownIt was reported that Apple banned advertising practices of Russian and Belarusian developers.
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Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.