In Russia, there was a large-scale disruption of the work of Telegram and YouTube, and some Russians began to work without a VPN on blocked and banned sites, including Instagram (the owner of the company Meta is known as an extremist and is banned in Russia). Andrei Svintsov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications, in a conversation with, linked this with the work of Russian intelligence services before the presidential elections. According to him, in the near future “security vulnerabilities will be eliminated” and access to resources banned in the country will be restricted again.
“These failures are due to the fact that on the eve of the presidential elections our intelligence services checked the performance of all systems related to the Internet infrastructure and cybersecurity in Russia. During checks, which, as a rule, go through stress tests, that is, a type of cyber-attacks carried out by our experts, vulnerabilities are looked for, so that test testing can be carried out by unblocking a number of resources that are blocked for a short period of time. Answers. In the coming hours, maximum days, all vulnerabilities identified during the training process will be eliminated. Again, banned sites, banned resources, banned social networks will have limited access and everything will be in accordance with the current law. There is no need to be surprised here. “This is the usual work of special services responsible for cybersecurity and performance, for protecting the infrastructure of all our IT resources,” he explained.
Svintsov emphasized that the issue of unblocking some social networks was not discussed. According to the MP, most Russians have turned to domestic resources and “they are already forgetting what Western social networks are.”
“As for unblocking, no, such issues are not being discussed yet. Moreover, there is no such need. Most of our citizens have turned to domestic resources, and everyone is gradually forgetting what Western social networks are. “Slowly, blocked resources are becoming obsolete, and our citizens are turning to either unblocked foreign resources or domestic resources,” he said.
On February 27, Telegram in Russia experienced a major outage. There are also reports that Russians are encountering difficulties connecting to WhatsApp, YouTube, VKontakte, Government Services and more.
Later recognizedafter a failure in which Russians began to open blocked social networks
Previously at Roskomnadzor reportedHe said that Steam is not blocked in Russia.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta

Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.