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Scientists created a digital copy of Earth to study global disasters 17:33

Scientists from the Italian National Research Council have created a digital model of the Earth to study and predict global disasters. It will allow us to evaluate the consequences of...

G7 welcomes study on exchange of prisoners of war 00:17

Leaders of the Group of Seven Countries (G7, Big Seven) welcome the work on the exchange of prisoners of war and demand the return of displaced persons, especially children, from Russia....

Study: Exercise reduces stroke risk by 14-36% Healthday: Regular exercise benefits women more than men 15:44

Regular exercise reduces the risk of heart failure and overall risk of death more strongly in women than in men. This was reported by health day. var sspMethod = 'ssp'; (function(){ var advPlace...

ActaPaediatrica study shows that watching videos reduces speaking skills of young children: watching videos reduces speaking skills of children over one year old 12:59

Scientists from Southern Methodist University in the USA found that watching videos of children aged 17 to 30 months negatively affects their speaking skills and vocabulary. Research results published In...

Fermented foods are good for mental health, BVI study shows: eating yoghurt and sauerkraut may ease symptoms of depression 13:15

Scientists at the University of Virginia found that Lactobacillus bacteria, found in fermented and fermented dairy products, can relieve symptoms of depression in mice. results published In the journal Brain,...

Study: Finger length linked to heart health in men Am. J.Hum. Biol: The severity of Covid-19 can be predicted by the ratio...

It was found that the relationship between the length of the index finger and the ring finger is related to the efficiency of oxygen supply to the tissues. Authors of...

