You can assess the risks of developing diabetes yourself using a special calculator, Alina Misharova, endocrinologist at the Fomin Clinic, told
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German scientists from the University of Potsdam have discovered the cause of the giant tsunami that hit the east coast of Greenland about a year ago. A 200-meter-high wave then entered...
Bitter polyphenols in tea, coffee and vegetables interact with specific receptors, reducing the risk of diabetes and obesity. This has been shown in a study published in the journal. Food Bioscience.
A new study finds that constipation increases the risk of heart attack. This supports the theory that constipation contributed to Elvis Presley's frequent heart attacks that overtook him on the toilet....
Excessive consumption of processed meat and salt increases the risk of stomach cancer, Yana Komissarova, a gastroenterologist at the DocMed clinic, told
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The UK could find itself embroiled in conflict within the next five years unless it urgently begins to rebuild its weapons stockpile, depleted by its support for Ukraine. This warning was...