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Confectioner Renat Agzamov explained how to get creamy crispy

Confectioner, businessman and culinary show host Renat Agzamov shared the main secret of crispy meringue with socialbites.ca.In one of the episodes of the Confectioner project on the Pyatnitsa TV channel, its...

“We do not cut people, we recruit people”: Renat Agzamov – about business, cakes for presidents and “Confectioner. children”

- How to maintain impartiality when evaluating children's work? Is it hard for kids to say "no"? (function(){ var advPlace = document.querySelector('._s_banner_adcenter:not()'); var gap = document.createElement('div'); gap.className="rg"; g_gazeta.addResizeListener(advPlace,function(el){ if(el.offsetHeight>10){ el.after(gap); }else{ gap.remove(); } }); })(); AdfProxy.ssp('._s_banner_adcenter', { 'p1': 'bwrhb', 'p2': 'fomw', 'pct': 'a', }, { 'begun-auto-pad': "432328744", 'begun-block-id': "442235190" }); -...

