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Astrophysicists discovered oxygen on Venus 19:07

A group of German astrophysicists from the Berlin Institute for Optical Sensor Systems, the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy and other technical universities discovered oxygen atoms in the daytime atmosphere...

Microbiologists propose producing oxygen using “living dye” on Mars 17:01

British scientists from the University of Surrey have developed a biopaint containing Chroococcidiopsis cubana bacteria that effectively absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. According to researchers, this composition can be...

Tiny algae could be a source of nutrients and oxygen during Mars exploration 11:11

A team of scientists from Mahidol University in Thailand examined the possibility of using wolffia algae as a way to produce oxygen and food in space, on Mars and other planets....

Why excess oxygen on the planet is as harmful as absence Climatologist Rodin: Excess oxygen in the air will harm humanity 09/07/2023, 16:05

Where did oxygen come to earth from? Our planet formed about 4.54 billion years ago, just after the formation of the solar system (geologically speaking). The first dilute atmosphere consisted of...

