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The doctor told what foods you can eat depending on the type of kidney stones Urologist Korolev: Urolithiasis diet depends on the type of...

If a patient is diagnosed with urolithiasis, he must adhere to a certain diet depending on the type of kidney stones. The head of the urology department of the Scientific Center No....

The doctor said that types of kidney stones can be dissolved. Urologist Korolev: Urate kidney stones cannot be removed, but they can be dissolved...

Urate stones, which consist only of uric acid salts, can be dissolved with the help of medications. The other two species, phosphate and oxalate, cannot be removed in this way....

A dagger pain that cannot be confused. How do we get rid of kidney stones? Urologist Korolev: Coral kidney stones are the...

— How common is urolithiasis in Russians? - Up to 10% of the adult population may be stone carriers; Some do not know it because they have no symptoms, while...

Urologist named products to protect kidney health Urologist Doronchuk: diuretic teas and D-mannose may be useful for cystitis 23:40

Some foods may help reduce the risk of kidney stones and support kidney health. In this respect "Championship" said urologist Dmitry Doronchuk, FMBA, FSBI FNKT. var sspMethod = 'ssp'; (function(){ var advPlace =...

The doctor told how to take vitamins without harm to health Nutritionist Solomatina: Excessive vitamin C can lead to kidney stones 16:46

Self-administration of vitamins, especially in therapeutic doses, is dangerous. Vitamins can cause neurological symptoms, kidney stones, or liver damage. In this respect "360" channel said nutritionist Elena Solomatina. var sspMethod...

Scientists confirm excess salt in diet may damage kidneys MedicalXpress: Excess salt may lead to irreversible kidney damage 18:53

One study found that adding salt to foods may increase the risk of chronic kidney disease. This was reported by MedicalXpress. var sspMethod = 'ssp'; (function(){ var advPlace = document.querySelector('._s_banner_adcenter:not()'); var gap = document.createElement('div'); gap.className="rg"; g_gazeta.addResizeListener(advPlace,function(el){ if(el.offsetHeight>10){ el.after(gap); }else{ gap.remove(); } }); })(); AdfProxy('._s_banner_adcenter',...

