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Scientists prove that dogs and cats can transmit superbugs to humans 17:56

An international team of scientists from the UK and Portugal has shown that domestic dogs and cats can transmit antibiotic-resistant enterobacteria, also known as superbugs, to humans. The research will...

Scientists discovered how humans got ears and teeth during evolution 19:18

An international team of scientists from China, the US and Australia has discovered when mammals first developed ears and teeth. These characteristic features have been inherited by humans during evolution....

Pancreas cell transplantation operation from pigs to humans will be performed in Japan 04:45

A research team led by experts from Japan's National International Medical Center plans to perform an operation in Japan next year to transplant hormone-producing endocrine pancreatic cells, known as islets of...

Scientists found similarities between the intelligence of dogs and humans 17:19

Hungarian scientists from Eötvos Laurent University in Budapest have discovered unusual similarities in the intelligence structure of humans and dogs, manifested in the form of age-related changes. The study was...

Scientists in Kamchatka will learn how humans are affecting Sakhalin sea lions 07:06

On Sakhalin, scientists from Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University are conducting research on the anthropogenic impact on Red Book Steller sea lions as part of the Priority 2030 program of the...

Scientists found that 78% of bird species are threatened by humans 14:45

An international team of scientists from Finland, Denmark, England and Spain studied the impact of humans on bird populations around the world. They concluded that the vast majority of birds...

