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The doctor talked about the benefits of early radish Nutritionist Zaletova: Early radish with red skin reduces the risk of heart disease 10:53

It is worth including early radishes in your diet in spring; red-skinned varieties are especially useful. In this respect "RG" said Tatyana Zaletova, general practitioner, cardiologist, nutritionist, head of...

The name of a disease that could lead to a driving ban has been determined 15:34

Drivers who have had a myocardial infarction may have contraindications to driving. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Cardiologist and Therapist Ivan Stepanenko told this to the correspondent of socialbites.ca. “Although current legislation...

The doctor explained how protecting the nose from cold and wind reduces the risk of heart disease 18:08

British doctor Michael Mosley said Covering your nose with a scarf in cold or windy weather prevents mucus from drying out, which serves as the "first line of defense" against the...

Terminally ill Celine Dion will release a film about her fight against the disease 19:56

Singer Celine Dion announced on Instagram (the owner of the company Meta is known as an extremist and has been banned in Russia) that the biopic "I: Celine Dion" will be...

Substances found to combat the root cause of Parkinson’s disease 20:31

Machine learning can speed up the process of screening substances for drug development against Parkinson's disease by 10 times, while reducing the cost of this step by 1000 times. This...

A new pathway in the development of Alzheimer’s disease has been discovered 20:14

Scientists from the laboratory of Wim Annaert (VIB-KU Leuven) in Belgium have discovered that a special fragment of the amyloid precursor protein called APP-CTF can disrupt the process of removing "cellular...

