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A bottle with a capped monkey from Vidnoye. What Will Russians Drink Instead of Coca-Cola?

The Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (Coca-Cola HBC) has ceased the production and sale of beverages under the Coca-Cola Company brands in Russia. All Russian customers of the distributor are now...

Belarusian “clone” of Coca-Cola will take its place on the Russian market

Coca-Cola is about to come out (function(){ var advPlace = document.querySelector('._s_banner_adcenter:not()'); var gap = document.createElement('div'); gap.className="rg"; g_gazeta.addResizeListener(advPlace,function(el){ if(el.offsetHeight>10){ el.after(gap); }else{ gap.remove(); } }); })(); AdfProxy.ssp('._s_banner_adcenter', { 'p1': 'bwrhb', 'p2': 'fomw', 'pct': 'a', }, { 'begun-auto-pad': "432328744", 'begun-block-id': "442235190" }); Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey has announced the possible eventual withdrawal of the company...

