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Russians told how to choose the right second-hand Renault Logan 13:29

Automotive expert of the magazine "Behind the Wheel" Alexander Vinogradov saidHow to choose the right used Renault Logan car for 400 thousand rubles. So, according to him, for 400 thousand rubles Renault...

How to choose a leather jacket to avoid regrets Designer Lina Bayle talked about the dangers of eco-leather jackets 09:05

Who invented the leather jacket The history of the leather jacket began in 1928, when the Schott brothers, descendants of Russian immigrants from the United States, introduced a jacket made of tough...

Celery: how is it useful and harmful, how to choose it and what to cook from it, what are the benefits and harms of...

.b_article-content_list{position:relative;margin:20px 0;padding:0 20px;display:flex;flex-flow:column;align-items:flex-start}.b_article-content_list-item{position:relative;display: inline-flexible;cursor:pointer;margin-bottom:20px;font:400 16px/24px Roboto;color:#7F7F7F;border-bottom:dashed 1px #7F7F7F;transition:all 0.3s convenience}.b_article-content_list- item: before{content:'';position:absolute;top:0;left:-16px;bottom:0;width:5px;height:5px;margin:auto;border-radius:50%;background:#7F7F7F} .b_article -content_list-item:hover{color:#b11116;border-bottom:dashed 1px #b11116}.b_anchor_point{position:absolute;top:-60px;left:0} What types of celery are there Calories and vitamins in celery Benefits of celery Harms...

Russians told how to choose the right second-hand Toyota Avensis 13:17

Automotive expert of the magazine "Behind the Wheel" Alexander Vinogradov saidHow to choose the right used Toyota Avensis car for 800 thousand rubles. So, according to him, a Toyota Avensis worth 800...

Summer residents were told how to choose the right saplings for garden plants 17:08

Seedlings of garden plants should be purchased only from reliable nurseries. It is worth paying attention to one- and two-year-old seedlings, as they take root faster. About this on...

