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Back pain may be a sign of prostate cancer 23:11

Most often, lower back pain occurs due to muscle tension from sitting for long periods of time, but sometimes it can be a symptom of prostate cancer. This was reported...

A dentist detected salivary gland cancer in a Russian man based on a mouth ulcer. At the National Research Center for Medical Radiology,...

The ulcer that appeared in a man's mouth after his wisdom teeth were removed turned out to be cancer. He had to undergo a complex eight-hour operation. This was...

Oncologist talked about an innovative method that can detect cancer at an early stage 05:00

Medicine, and especially oncology, does not stand still: new methods of diagnosing and treating cancer are emerging, effective drugs are being developed. One of these developments that has recently appeared...

A new way to predict the recurrence of ovarian cancer was found 18.04.2024, 21:47

Scientists from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in the USA discoveredrevealed that the risk of recurrence of ovarian cancer can be predicted by the location of plasma cells and other immune cells around...

Media Union director talked about how he coped after learning he had cancer 19:24

Deputy Development Department of the National Football League (FNL) and Director of Operations of the Media Football League (MFL) Dmitry Kortava big interview socialbites.ca told what emotions he felt when he...

Scientists find that walking slowly does not provide effective protection against cancer 12:55

Scientists from the University of Leicester (UK) found that the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer is higher in people who walk slowly than in those who generally move quickly. ...

