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Myth about the benefits of standing up debunked Osteopathic doctor Titov: Working standing up can cause pain in the back and legs 11:27

Often, standing work is recommended to combat the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle; This is claimed to help improve posture and prevent stiffness in many of the body's muscles. ...

Benefits of morning sex for women and men Named sexologist Bulakh: for some women, morning sex is more preferable 11:13

For some women, morning sex may be more preferable: in the morning it is easier to relax and enjoy the process, sexologist, psychotherapist, vice-president of the Professional Association of Sexologists and...

Government approves protection of mortgage benefits for families with many children 19:06

A bill to expand mortgage subsidies for large families has been approved by the Russian government. It is reported on this website Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The issue...

Assad said that the USA benefits from the Palestinian-Israeli conflict 14:47

The USA, which is at the head of the West, benefits from the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and watches the development of chaos from the sidelines. Syrian President Bashar Assad stated this...

Celery: how is it useful and harmful, how to choose it and what to cook from it, what are the benefits and harms of...

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