Bragarnik does the rest to bring the sports city project to life. 60,000 meters of land at auction All in the vicinity of the Camino de Castilla behind the University, as these are owned by the Fundación del Elche and negotiated with at least one owner of the adjacent plots. The club has just acquired ownership of the above-mentioned plot at an auction with the participation of the Valencian Financial Institute, as confirmed by its chairman, Joaquín Buitrago, in this newspaper yesterday (IVF). Special, public institution offered at first only doubled (180.000 Euro) The amount that Elche initially offered (90.000).

at the last moment, The club surpassed IVF’s offer at just 9 EurosIt was enough for the estate of the farm to continue in Elche. The public agency made him pay twice the amount originally offered. Thus, the public coffers take back a portion of what was invested that day in the Franchiverde Club by lending it back.

Maximum shareholder Christian Bragarnik, at a press conference last May, was surprised by the money IVF was offering at the auction and said the farm, classified as a rural area, had no unrealistic value. He said that a project like the very exciting sports city of Elche will be realized here. However, shortly before the auction closed, Elche chose to hold the land. Although Bragarnik repeated several times that there are other options and all are valuedIf the deals with these owners, including the former directors of the Franciverde club, bear fruit, a new element comes into play that could eventually reveal where the sports facility will go.

As this newspaper found out, Elche is bargaining Purchase of more land on the Camino de Castilla, close to what is now theirs. Specifically, the operation can be multiplied by a high number of 60,000 square feet owned by the existing plot. Getting close to half a million meters to build the sports city will be a huge success for Elche, who wants to have a residence for the A team in addition to football fields, sports halls, locker rooms. his private Valdevebas. The club wants a First-team facility.

The auction purchase of land currently owned by the Foundation could be the start of a major project that still has to go through various bureaucratic hurdles as it is located on land classified as rustic. Elche’s president admitted to this newspaper yesterday: “To build a sports facility on any rustic land, Community Statement of Interesttwo environmental impact statements, analyze how their road access is, if they cross power lines or there are mountain passes, the aviation field… It’s a tedious process, it takes knocking on many doors and whatever deadlines are, even if we are Elche and treat us well ».


Therefore, the club «takes back an asset that now belongs to it from the Foundation, but we will examine all the options available to us before making a decision Joaquín Buitrago insisted on exactly where to build our sports city.

The option of setting up the center next to the stadium is as ideal as it is impossible given the economic claims of the landowners. What is clear is that the owner is determined to make Elche a major club established in the First Division and with enough resources to remain among the elite of Spanish football for many years to come. Although the most recent operation was in Argentina, it was supported by Bragarnik. The leader is strictly focused on the franciverde project.