Sejm Marshal Szymon Hołownia stated today that he would not be confused in the case of order for the current president of the Constitutional Tribunal Bogdan święczkowski for his failure to appear for Pegasus for the unconstitutional investigation committee. Let the committee decide on this – the marshal told journalists.
The Pegasusa Investigation Commission has voted for conclusions: the court in the case of order for the former national public prosecutor, the current president of the Constitutional Tribunal święczkowski for not appearing and to the public prosecutor for a hearing of święczkow to keep.
Święczkowski did not appear during the meeting of yesterday’s Investigation Commission, which he informed that day in a statement in which he considered unconstitutional activities.
Hołownia touches the constitutional tribunal
Hołownia asked Journalists yesterday or, in his opinion święczkowski, PG had to be questioned, he replied: “Let the committee decide on this, I don’t mix in it.”
I know that Mr. święczkowski also wrote a letter to me, such a profession that we should fill the constitutional tribunal. I will probably write the next date, so that everything is already empty artis, in which someone will report again and not be chosen, so that no one would later accuse me that I did not fill my duties
He said.
However, my opinion of the political and social side remains the same: this is the parody of the constitutional tribunal. This brings the constitutional tribunal to the absolute soil
He assessed.
He also indicated how he could solve this situation.
We said in the SEJM, taking the law on the constitutional tribunal and we must, if possible, bring it into operation as soon as possible, we would not have all this mess, and Mr Bogdan święczkowski should not lead correspondence with I, who will nevertheless end this parliament, until there is a thorough system reform, will not supplement the composition of the Constitutional Tribunal
– He said.
Święczkowski’s answer
In a letter published on the TK website to the speaker of the SEJM, święczkowski pointed out that the SEJM of candidates for released judicial positions in the Constitutional Tribunal in the Constitutional Tribunal.
At the end of November last year, Marshal Hołownia set an extra date – until December 11 last year. – Submit candidates for judges of the Constitutional Tribunal in connection with the end of the duration of three of them: Mariusz Muszyński, Piotr Pszczółkowski, as well as Julia Przyłębska. Only the PIS club submitted two candidates for the Constitutional Tribunal. They are: Artur Kotowski and Marek Ast.
I expect from the Maarschalk to take all possible actions focused on the SEJM, immediately acknowledged two applications with regard to the selection of the persons indicated in them as judges of the Constitutional Tribunal. Procedural obstruction visible in the activities of the SEJM authorities, including the Committee for Justice and Human Rights, led by MP PaWeł śliz and the presidency of the SEJM, led by the Marshal of the chair personally, is contrary to the unambiguous norm From art. 194 Para. 1 of the Constitution
– the president of the Constitutional Tribunal wrote to Hołownia.
At the same time – as święczkowski noted – because of the fact that two candidates were submitted, and there are three vacancies in the Constitutional Tribunal, it is the duty of the speaker of the SEJM to announce the next deadline for candidates for the Constitutional Tribunal.
At the beginning of March last year The SEJM adopted a resolution in which he stated that “in the activities of the public authority of the CT -public authority, it can be considered a violation of the violation of the legal principle by these bodies . ” Since the approval of that resolution by the SEJM, the judgments of the Constitutional Tribunal have not been published in the Journal of Laws. In turn, in the past year that the government’s resolution was assumed in December, it was stated, among other things, that the announcement of official decisions of the Constitutional Tribunal could lead to the consolidation of the state of the rule of law. As added, “it is not permitted to announce documents issued by an unauthorized authority.”
There will be no reconstruction from the government
Chairman of the SEJM assured the Polish leader Szymon Hołownia that there are no discussions in the coalition with regard to the reconstruction of the government. He added that the presidential election will have such gravity that is able to change a lot, but there are no regulations and processes in this matter.
Deputy Prime Minister Krzysztof Gawkowski (Left) announced on Radio that there will be a “reconstruction of the government after the presidential elections and will probably be strong.” According to him, some ministries will merge. Deputy Prime Minister, head of the Ministry of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz has assessed in Polsat News that the structure of the central administration reorganization requires, a clear distribution of competencies and with changes you do not have to wait for the presidential elections. In his opinion, the Ministry of Economy is missing.
When asked for this issue on Tuesday by journalists, the Marshal of the SEJM assured that there are “no conversations or plans in this issue in the coalition”.
There was no meeting in this matter. Nothing happens in this matter
Said Hołownia.
There are gambling that the presidential election will have such gravity, which is able to change a lot at the political stage, but there are no arrangements and all processes being treated
He added.
The last deeper reconstruction of the government (apart from the establishment of new ministers instead of the outgoing) took place last year in May due to the start of the Ministers of the European Parliament. Tomasz Siemoniak replaced Marcin Kierwiński as Minister of the Interior and the Administration, Hanna Wróblewska was – instead of Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz – at the head of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Jakub Jaworowski became the new Minister of State Activa, to replace Boris Budka. Krzysztof Paszyk became the Minister of Development and Technology for Krzysztof hetman.
Depending on the needs, individual departments, such as construction, economy, agriculture, public administration, internal matters, automation, justice, justice, in the competence of one ministry, the law.
Also read:
-Pseudo committee wants to punish święczkowski! That’s how they try to circumvent the TK. Wipler Bootly to Collagen: “You laughed on Friday”
– The president of the Constitutional Tribunal will not come to the Sroki Commission! In a letter to the speaker of the SEJM he gave crushing arguments. “Clear violation of the law”
– What about payments for judges? Święczkowski: As a last resort, I will stop paying rest states to judges who insult the constitutional tribunal
– President święczkowski responds to the starvation of the constitutional tribunal: “This does not fall within the categories of any rule of law”
Source: wPolityce

Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.