“It is good that the Homeland Security Service arrested this man. He must be tried quickly and sent to prison. However, what is disturbing is the fact that such people are subsequently detained by the Polish services,” wrote Stanisław Żaryn, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland and former Deputy Minister of the Coordination of Special Services, about the and committed acts of sabotage and sabotage in Poland.
Detention of a Belarusian
ABW officers have arrested another person suspected of participating in an international organized crime group and committing acts of sabotage and sabotage in Poland. According to the court’s decision, the Belarusian will spend the next three months in detention, Jacek Dobrzyński, spokesperson for the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, wrote on social media.
The announcement published on the website of the Internal Security Service made it clear that the Belarusian was detained in Warsaw and is suspected of trying to set fire to a building in Gdańsk.
This is another arrest in the investigation into the activities of an organized criminal group that has committed acts of sabotage, in particular arson, on behalf of foreign secret services.
— wrote the ABW press team.
READ MORE: A Belarusian suspected of sabotage and sabotage in Poland was arrested! ‘He is suspected of attempted arson in Gdańsk’
“That was also the case during the previous government.”
Żaryn emphasizes that people like the Belarusian detainee should have been detained before committing an act of sabotage or sabotage.
According to the ABW statement, it was not possible to prevent the saboteur’s actions this time. Catching such people before they commit acts of sabotage and sabotage should be a priority for the Polish services. That was also the case during the previous government
– he pointed out.
It is worth recalling that Art. 130 section 7 of the Criminal Code – such a charge was presented to the suspect – it is a new provision that punishes sabotage, sabotage and terrorism on behalf of foreign services. This provision was adopted as part of the changes to the CC adopted by Parliament during the previous legislature
– Żaryn remembered.
The Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland recalled that Poland “during the PiS government carried out multi-level activities to neutralize Russian activities against Poland.”
We carried out effective counterintelligence activities (more than 100 neutralized RU and BY spies), we expelled Russian officers working in so-called “diplomacy”, we created new rules criminalizing espionage (with a prison sentence of up to life imprisonment), we created a Polish sanctions list, we introduced aid programs for the Belarusian opposition, we strengthened the alliance with the US, including the cooperation of the secret services, we supported Ukraine with heavy equipment and helped the country save its own state from the attack on Russia . The Polish government was at the forefront of activities that effectively challenged Russian interests and influence in Poland and Europe
– wrote Żaryn.
Today, Poland is threatened by Russian imperialism, and the Polish services have been engaged in a heated intelligence war with Russia for years. They need support, permission for ambitious and offensive actions, as well as clear government directives indicating the need for offensive actions and actual Russian and Belarusian operations against Poland. Such actions are necessary today because of the magnitude of threats and Russia’s aggressive stance!
– he appealed.
Unfortunately, the government instead sends completely different signals: it hinders actions and affects the morale of the officers, and in addition it tries to involve the Polish counterintelligence services in the current political struggle (which in itself is a gift for the Russian services) .
– said Żaryn.
Political resignations
Stanisław Żaryn, in turn, said on Radio Wnet that the Agency’s new management planned to replace the entire staff of the unit responsible for combating terrorism, which is crucial for the country’s security.
An outstanding specialist who had held leadership positions in the Homeland Security Service for many years under various heads and was an officer with extensive achievements and experience was dismissed. From what I hear, a man with obvious political connections is being groomed there, so this unit may operate with a lower level of professionalism than before. Fortunately, Independence Day passed safely, but I will definitely keep an eye on this topic
– assured Żaryn.
kk/X/Radio Wnet
Source: wPolityce
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.