Nobody punished PiS today, PiS punished itself – wrote Szymon Hołownia, the Marshal of the Sejm, leader of Poland 2050, on Platform
After the meeting of the National Electoral Commission on Thursday, its head, Sylwester Marciniak, announced that the Commission had decided to reject PiS’s financial report on last year’s parliamentary elections. As he noted, the subsidy for this election commission would amount to more than PLN 38 million under normal circumstances, but due to the violations found, it will be reduced by PLN 10 million, i.e. PLN 28 million.
PiS could also be deprived of subsidies for three years. Marciniak said that the National Electoral Commission will have to make decisions on PiS’s annual financial report and subsidies next month. As a result of the possible rejection of the annual financial report, PiS could lose the right to subsidies for three years, explained Krzysztof Lorentz of KBW.
— The National Electoral Commission has rejected the financial report of the PiS committee! Subsidy reduced by PLN 10 million. In total, the party could lose more than PLN 50 million
— Avalanche of reactions after the National Electoral Commission’s decision on the PiS report. “Democracy has ceased to exist”; “Shameful decision”; The National Electoral Commission will unite the right wing
– Strong COMMENT from PiS politicians! “The National Electoral Commission has shown that it is joining the activities of Tusk’s clique”; ‘Then we have a classic dictatorship’
The Marshal’s Flowery Comparisons
Marshal of the Sejm Szymon Hołownia commented on the decision of the National Electoral Commission. As he wrote in a post on Platform X: “No one stole PiS today, PiS punished itself.”
He campaigned on steroids, and today he just got a bill for the steroids
– he judged.
According to Hołownia, “we finance parties in Poland with public money.”
Public scrutiny of the integrity of campaign spending is not revenge; it is what the fight against doping is for sport
– he emphasized.
A resolution of the National Electoral Commission rejecting the financial report may be appealed to the Supreme Court. It may be filed by the financial representative of the commission within 14 days of receipt of the NEC decision. The Chamber of Extraordinary Audit and Public Affairs of the Supreme Court shall investigate the complaint and render a decision within 60 days. The decision of the Supreme Court shall not be subject to appeal. If the Supreme Court finds the complaint well-founded, the National Electoral Commission shall decide to accept the financial report.
Source: wPolityce
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.