The Russian side is ready to provide consular and legal assistance in France to Telegram founder Pavel Durov during the case. In our conversation with the person “” – said First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council International Affairs Committee Vladimir Dzhabarov.
“Russia should have consular access. We have every right to do so, as Durov is a French citizen, but a citizen of the Russian Federation by birth; he has not renounced his Russian citizenship. Russia can provide him with the necessary legal support, the senator said.
Durova was detained Getting off a private jet at Le Bourget Airport in France on the evening of August 24. The entrepreneur arrived in the country from Azerbaijan.
In the French police stated The businessman was accused of refusing to cooperate on cyber and financial crimes on Telegram, Reuters reported. They added that Durov was under investigation by the national cybercrime and fraud departments.
At the same time, the prosecutor’s office clarifiedDurov was reportedly questioned as part of an investigation into “an unnamed person” accused of 12 crimes. The case was opened on July 8.
Previously in Switzerland commented Durov’s child abuse case.
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Source: Gazeta
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.