Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov Telegram channel He commented on billionaire and Tesla director Elon Musk’s words that the businessman did not give him his Cybertruck electric pickup truck.
“Elon, do not pay attention to backward and inexperienced people and corrupt media. Believe me, you should not be distracted. We better continue to create and reach new heights. Your developments help us a lot. In any case, you are great! – Kadyrov wrote.
He also thanked Musk for the Starlink satellite communications facilities.
According to him, the speed of Starlink communications in the military operation zone in Ukraine is “generally fire.”
August 17 Chechnya’s head reportedMusk took Cybertruck. He showed a video of an electric pickup truck with a machine gun mounted on its roof and said the vehicle would be delivered to the Russian army. Kadyrov also invited the billionaire to visit Grozny.
The head of Tesla responded to a post by one of the users of social network X, rejected Using this expression, he asked her if she was an “idiot” for asking such questions.
Musk previously recommended Dance for Trump.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.