“Above all, there is great respect for Minister Andrzej Domański, Minister of Finance, for carrying out this difficult reform and restoring the dignity of local governments, which will once again provide certainty about the money that will flow to local governments,” said Jacek Karnowski, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs. Ministry of Funds and Policy, in an interview with RMF FM Regional. Does Minister Domański also deserve “great respect” for subjecting Poland to the European Commission’s Excessive Deficit Procedure?
Although PiS politicians themselves admit that the Polish Order is the part of their government they are not entirely happy with, Deputy Minister of Funds and Regional Policy Jacek Karnowski behaved on RMF FM’s “Morning Talk” as if this was the biggest evil that has befallen Poland in recent years. At the same time, he glorified local government officials, as well as… the head of the Ministry of Finance, Andrzej Domański.
Local government officials are the driving force behind the economy. The Polish Order destroyed the finances of the state, entrepreneurs and local governments
– said the former President of Sopot, currently a member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland and a member of Donald Tusk’s government.
In my opinion, there will be compensation in the autumn for the budget losses during the PiS government
– said Karnowski.
Karnowski was delighted with Domański
He then decided to award a laurel to the Minister of Finance, Andrzej Domański.
Above all, there is great respect for Minister Andrzej Domański, Minister of Finance, for carrying out this difficult reform and restoring the dignity of local governments, which will once again provide some certainty about the money that will flow to local governments
– said the RMF FM guest.
As he explained, local governments will receive a percentage of what residents and entrepreneurs generate in their area, and no taxes. This can always be changed, both by the Sejm and by the government.
And it was a big PiS fraud
– emphasized Jacek Karnowski.
Contribution to health care
The politician was also asked about lowering health insurance premiums for entrepreneurs. Can Poland afford to reduce the burden on entrepreneurs if local governments do not have the money to carry out their tasks?
It certainly makes sense, but it has to be done carefully
– said the RMF FM guest.
In the opinion of the deputy head of the Ministry of FiPR, it may have to be done “in a progressive manner”, as with the widow’s pension, but it is necessary to “give entrepreneurs certainty about what it will look like in the coming years”.
This is what the entire cabinet is currently talking about, that this contribution must be made more realistic
– assured Jacek Karnowski.
“‘We stole millions of zlotys’
The former president of Sopot is apparently also another politician from the December 13 coalition who decided, to a greater or lesser extent, to put pressure on the National Electoral Commission regarding subsidies for PiS.
There were parties from PSL to Nowoczesna that lost subsidies, recently Senator Kwiatkowski showed that 40 PLN was deducted from him because he sent something wrong, and here millions of zlotys were stolen.
– said Karnowski.
What more do you have to do, how much more public money do you have to steal before your campaign loses its funding?
– he asked provocatively.
He also noted that although the National Electoral Commission “is governed by its own laws”, it “cannot be passive”.
I wonder if Deputy Minister Jacek Karnowski has nothing to think about, for example, the fact that the National Electoral Commission has delayed the decision for so long?
aja/RMF FM
Source: wPolityce
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.