Waldemar Sługocki thanked Donald Tusk on social media. The prime minister had previously dismissed him from the post of Deputy Minister of Development and Technology. In response to his submission, Jacek Protasiewicz called on the PO politician to show personal dignity.
On July 12, the Sejm failed to adopt an amendment to the Criminal Code, which was based on the decriminalization of assisted abortion and termination of pregnancy with the consent of the pregnant woman up to the twelfth week of pregnancy. 215 MPs voted in favor of adopting the law, 218 against, and two abstained. The project was prepared by MPs from the left. Three KO MPs did not take part in the vote: Waldemar Sługocki, Krzysztof Grabczuk and Roman Giertych, who was in the Sejm at the time. Sługocki subsequently wrote on the X platform that his absence from the Sejm was due to a business trip to the US, which had been planned a few months earlier.
Donald Tusk announced that he would dismiss Waldemar Sługocki as Deputy Minister of Development and Technology.
Sługocki commented on the prime minister’s decision on social media and thanked him.
I would like to thank Ministers @Hetman_K and @KrzysztofPaszyk for their cooperation at @MRiTGOVPL, departmental management and employees of the ministry for joint initiatives for the development of our economy. Thank you Prime Minister @donaldtusk. Public service is always an honor for me
– we read in his submission.
Protasiewicz reaction
Jacek Protasiewicz commented on the issue. The former PO politician reminded Sługocki that he was not the only person associated with his camp who was treated in this way by Tusk. He appealed to the MP to show personal dignity.
Dude, you are not the first competent functionary who was fired by @donaldtusk because of the applause of the audience. Before you, for example, there was a very decent professor. of law at the Jagiellonian University – Z.Ćwiąkalski. But He did not grovel then as you do now. Show dignity, even if it has no value for the DT. Show it to me, because it is worth it!
– we read in Protasiewicz’s contribution.
READ ALSO: Tusk’s settlements. PM: I have decided to dismiss Waldemar Sługocki as Deputy Minister of Development and Technology
Source: wPolityce
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.