Head of the Committee on the So-called Visa Scandal Michał Szczerba (KO) said that if Daniel Obajtek does not appear at the hearing on June 5, a request will be submitted to the court for his detention and arrest. He also announced that applications would be submitted to lift the immunities of “people that PiS sends to the EP to protect them.”
Today, former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki testified before the committee. After his interrogation, members of the committee of the ruling coalition pointed out that the witness answered many questions: “I don’t remember”, and his testimony confirms that Poland did not have a migration policy during the PiS government.
The chairman of the committee emphasized that the current cabinet is preparing a migration strategy for 2025-2030. He added that the report on the committee’s work will include recommendations on migration.
We are waiting for the Court of Audit’s report on the ad hoc audit carried out at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in recent months. Yesterday I met with representatives of the Court’s management. I can say that our recommendations and conclusions are similar. The Polish state must regain control over visas
– Szczerba noted.
On the hunt for PiS politicians
He also said he had asked the attorney general to have police serve an interrogation summons on the former president of Orlen in the province. Podkarpackie, and not only at the seven previously established addresses. Obajtek is a candidate for the European Parliament from the top spot on the Podkarpacie PiS list.
Szczerba added that “Daniel Obajtek will not be protected by the immunity of a Member of the European Parliament.”
Our task will be to ensure that all those people that PiS sends (to the EP – PAP) to ensure impunity lose their immunity as soon as possible. We will be the sponsors of resolutions lifting immunities
– Szczerba announced.
When asked what will happen if Obajtek does not appear for the hearing on June 5, the KO politician replied that “a request will be submitted to the court not to receive the maximum fine of 3,000 PLN. PLN, but for detention and arrest.
Szczerba also announced that on Tuesday he informed the chairman of the Sejm, Szymon Hołownia, about the exclusion of Zbigniew Bogucki (PiS) from the committee. He added that the marshal may decide to supplement the composition of the committee.
The next session of the Sejm is scheduled for June 12, 13 and 14, while the final committee meetings will take place on June 4 and 5.
The committee can consist of 10 members. This is acceptable. We have opinions about this
– Szczerba noted.
On June 4, the committee plans to question former Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau and former Grupa Azoty President Tomasz Hinc, who refused to testify on Tuesday. PiS President Jarosław Kaczyński and former Orlen President Daniel Obajtek were summoned for June 5, but he did not appear at Tuesday’s hearing.
The preliminary version of the report on the committee’s work will be presented on June 10.
As you can see, Michał Szczerba has already turned to threats against the former president of Orlen, Daniel Obajtek, and started talking about people that PiS is allegedly sending to the European Parliament to ensure their impunity. It is difficult to consider such a biased position of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee on the so-called visa scandal, believing that the report on his work will be free from political elements that would attack the current opposition.
– ONLY HERE. Daniel Obajtek: I have no intention of participating in Mr. Szczerba’s circus. I will appear before the committee after the campaign
— Daniel Obajtek responds to Szczerba’s actions! Will he appear before the committee? He states that the summons was not effectively served
Source: wPolityce

Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.