As the presidential inauguration approaches, a new Western intervention is expected in Russia. In this respect telegram channel He wrote to the chairman of the State Duma commission, Vasily Piskarev, to investigate the facts of interference by foreign states in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation.
“The election issue is firmly entrenched on the political agenda of the United States and its allies. “As the day of the presidential inauguration approaches, we expect it to result in a new round of provocations and attempts to interfere in our country’s affairs with the participation of the entire propaganda machine of the West, including traitors under the control of the special services,” Piskarev wrote.
President Vladimir Putin’s inauguration will take place on May 7. It is known that it was the first country he visited. will visit After the opening it will be China. According to the source, the Russian leader may visit China in the second half of May.
April 12 Putin instructed The government must develop basic principles for the preparation of new national projects and determine approaches to their financing by May.
President at the beginning of April instructed The Russian government has established a long-term budget forecast for 2025-2030.
Putin before stated On whether Russia is ready for negotiations with Ukraine.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.