Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz held political office. In short: he gave it to the left. Could anyone be surprised by this? Probably only those who have called him stubbornly conservative for years. And this has nothing to do with reality.
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In Sienkiewicz’s office we have, among others: Mrs. Agata Diduszko-Zyglewska (anti-clerical braggart about apostasy, columnist of “Krytyka Polityczna”), Mr. Mateusz Orzechowski (collaborator of Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus, “climate activist” of the New Left) and Mr. Brunon Odolczyk (former assistant to Monika Płatek, “activist” of Obywateli RP, lover of “cities of 15 minutes”). They will undoubtedly take good care of the culture. First of all, they will ensure that no state money goes to organizations with a conservative, pro-independence and, above all, Catholic profile.
WE REVEAL! The resort of Sienkiewicz has an index of prohibited institutions! Requests information, among other things: about the weekly magazine “Sieci” and even Caritas Polska
Henryk Sienkiewicz is turning in his grave – you could mock the recent Tusk.
Moreover, it is not the first time he has fallen, as his great-grandson has repeatedly made it clear that we glorify our Nobel Prize-winning ancestor too much.
At times he publicly argued that Henryk’s work not only “aroused national pride” but also constituted an extraordinary critique of Polish society, as if to undermine the myth of the writer who strengthened Polish hearts. He repeatedly demanded that the author of “The Deluge” not be perceived in a one-dimensional way. I remind you of this in the cover text of the new issue of the weekly magazine “Sieci” and quote the following story from one of the parliamentarians:
He met a certain man who was pleased to come into contact with a descendant of one of the greatest Polish writers. When he expressed his euphoria, he was immediately stunned, because Sienkiewicz quickly replied that his great-grandfather’s writings were a shameful graphomania, of which the minister was actually ashamed.
It is his right, there is no accounting for taste. Worse still, his attitude towards Poland deviates considerably from the family canon. Just look at Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz’s best-known publication, for which he was nominated for the Grand Press Award in 2012. “Ambaras z Polskiej” was published by “Tygodnik Powszechny” on the occasion of… Independence Day. Sienkiewicz writes about Poland in 2011 AD, which – according to him – contact is like “a sudden awakening from an aesthetic dream”:
There are hardly any people visible in the towns we pass, only teenagers sitting at destroyed bus stops, those in leopard print leggings, others in tracksuits and with shaved heads. Buildings in all possible styles, revealing the modern dreams of their owners, with results comparable to the clothes of teenagers at bus stops.
When you see something beautiful – a house, a barn, a forester’s hut – you can tell that it was built before the invasion of this local variety of Goths or Lombards, a remnant of ancient races that once inhabited these lands. Ruined, they die in contempt. Just a few kilometers across the border, on a corner, there is an inscription on the fence of a farm, indicating the level of social trust capital: “Beware: if you enter, I will kill you!”
No wonder that while making detours in this strange country, a lost car navigation system obsessively repeats in a graceful female voice: “Turn around if you can”… After a few tens of kilometers from the border, on the right side of the road, a gigantic white torso of Christ the King protrudes from the forest, arms outstretched, arms wide over everything.
For him, Poland is a country drowning in poverty (Sienkiewicz ignores the fact who is responsible for this poverty – neighbors from the East and the West), ‘a country with one big second-hand shop in architecture, clothes, cars. And behavior: a singer who taught a generation of young Polish women fashion and a style of being previously reserved for lower-class whores, young men for whom a six-pack “Żubra” on Saturday is the end of their ambitions for a good life .
Fortunately, Sienkiewicz rejoiced, things changed with the victory of Tusk’s side. He admires ‘structural and budgetary reforms with far-reaching consequences – the abolition of bridging pensions, the restriction of open pension funds, which have been built up excessively at the expense of the budget’ and ‘the imperceptible extension of working hours (a year earlier at school means a year longer at the market)”, Orliks, which should be proof that “Poland is imperceptibly on the way to a modern state”, and that highways are being built, where screens will cover “everything” that stings the eyes after crossing the German -Polish border.
Shortly afterwards, he compared the participants of the ‘Wake Up Poland’ march to ‘alcoholics among the rubbish’ and called for people not to fight them, but to help them.
A few months have passed and he said about police officers (already as head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration): “They often come from pathological families and cannot respond well to violence.”
And so with every step. Minister of Culture full of contempt instead of culture? Such times came with Tusk.
Why did the PO leader decide to put Sienkiewicz in the MKDiN? Not to please my friend, no. The latter dreamed of a ministry of state property. When it turned out that he had no chance, he tried to convince Tusk that he would be a great head of his office.
Here the decisive factor was the lack of knowledge of English, which, for obvious reasons, is necessary for the head of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery.
So Sienkiewicz joined the government for the only position he could get – because they need a ruthless man there, and only for a while. And Sienkiewicz meets both criteria. He didn’t want to sit in Piotr Gliński’s chair, because this area just irritates him, he is not interested at all and he would like to do something else. Or rather not much, given the sky-high earnings, such as when he earned money writing analyzes for Orlen.
That is why Sienkiewicz is destroying the public media with such zeal today. If he completes this task, he may deserve to fulfill his current dreams: a seat in the European Parliament, the prospect of doing nothing for 50,000 PLN. PLN per month and lots of free time to drink red wine in good restaurants.
I recommend to you the new issue of the weekly magazine “Sieci” and the text “Services, money and zero culture”, in which I tried to show how dangerous a man Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz is. Dangerous because it is ruthless – both in its attitude to the public interest, the law and the people.
Tusk can only carry out this destructive operation with such a soldier – who started in free Poland by collaborating with the former secret service, and today will use their methods in the fight against the free media.
READ ALSO: Services, money and zero culture. “Our hero will go down in Polish history as the most ruthless pacifier of the free media”
Source: wPolityce
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.