29 years ago, Russian poet Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky died in his apartment on Morton Street. History is not round and the reason is not cheerful.
Brodsky was a brilliant representative of what he called alcohol-seatrate culture. This expresses a general mood and lifestyle.
If you reasoned, then he died of cigarettes – he stopped smoking without a strong stop, he saw Wen Oden smoking in the same way. He smoked after a heart attack and after surgery in his heart. And to glorify, of course, a poet of this scale died either from the inevitable longing or the fact that the Lord was looking for him directly.
There are several legends told by or not at the funeral of Brodsky. This is also a legend. Poet Ilya Kutik claimed that he had sent a receipt to his friends two weeks before his death, and promised not to speak as a person and not to discuss his personal life until 2020. Either there was no subscription or nobody restricted it. At least as a person we know a lot about Brodsky. However, there was an opinion that the poet mentioned was not only at the funeral, but that he didn’t know anything about Brodsky, so he didn’t have to believe him.
But Peter Weil was definitely at the funeral like Brodsky’s friend. The funeral said that Viktor Chernomyrdin, the Russian Prime Minister at that time, coincided with the arrival of New York. Also, the legend is branching. One of the branches, Joseph Alexandrovich Maria Socialsani-Brodskaya’s widow wife, saying that the Soviet-Russian politician did not want the Soviet-Russian politician to take pictures in Nobel Laureat’s coffin, so that he did not want him to increase himself in New York. Therefore, he generally banned photography directly and strictly at the ceremony. According to another branch of the same legend, they buried the Italian penal authority in the neighboring farewell hall and asked Lyuman to see Chernomyrdin and go to them.
Such a combination of tragedy and humor is quite in the spirit of Brodsky. He described his connection as a mixture of home tragedy and home nonsense. On the one hand, terrible poverty and despair are the employees of the committee that comes to search every month, but they are sent for vodka. Brodsky perceived everything at the same time very seriously and with grin. He didn’t share both, he didn’t try to serve, and therefore he could be both close and unpleasant. Some of them have a “liberal”, others “imperial” – characteristic, both have an extremely malicious meaning. The first recalls the Nobel Prize in Migration and the Nobel Prize, the second poem on the independence of Ukraine ”and the general masculine fashion poetry.
Although there is migration? Why doesn’t a person live where he wants?
The only problem here is that Russia is the only country that Brodsky really wants to live, but that it is not allowed. Before he was removed, he wrote a letter to Brazhnev, where he spoke here about what could serve his homeland, he could do very good things for the Russian culture. Of course, it was naive to believe that it could be heard by the Secretary General. But what do you want other than a poet except the naivety of disintegration in communication with the strong ones?
However, Brodsky served both the homeland and the Russian culture, and the Nobel Prize given to him was a more political decision than ever. Any important solution, which is an important event, has a political dimension, but it can be neglected retrospectively.
Was Brodsky an imperial? Apparently, like most of the elders, he sees himself as the heir of the old tradition: “Classic style will win as a school.” And where’s ancient times, there is an empire. Not immediately, sooner or later. Brodsky recognized the priority of the power subject to humanism in daily life. Empires live and even fight, but if possible, as you know, “in the provinces of the sea” in the private living in the private living.
Brodsky died, but it was a figure that transcends his own personality. They turn into a large, greater -scale phenomenon than a human being. We learn this from both Solomon Volkov’s “Dialogues with Joseph Brodsky ve and from Elland Proffer from the book“ Brodsky Between Us ve and Nikolai Kartosia and Anton Zhelnov documentary. Brodsky is a contradictory, but very attractive image, from the jackets and the velvet, from a newspaper in his pocket, cigarette and alcohol, bald spots and hurricanes, a young man’s Senil Stoop, an ironic and sad appearance, ironic and sad appearance. , Russian life poets -declared independence and characteristics.
In 1972, Joseph Brodsky told about his own uncertainty and paradoxy of the surrounding reality in his poem “Innocence Song, He is Experience”. Mutual exclusive stanzas are adjacent. It is quite normal for poetry, expected and even desirable. By remembering the poet, it is the best one to bring his poems:
“We will meet in a deep chair in our old age,
Surrounded by grandchildren and grandchildren. If
They will not be, they will give the neighbors to see
The TV has a death of a spy network.
Then the bell does not throw over a vech!
We are entering the darkness that we have nothing to shine.
We download the flags and burn the paper.
Finally fall into the bottle.
The author expresses a personal view that may not coincide with the position of the editors.
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Source: Gazeta

Dolores Johnson is a voice of reason at “Social Bites”. As an opinion writer, she provides her readers with insightful commentary on the most pressing issues of the day. With her well-informed perspectives and clear writing style, Dolores helps readers navigate the complex world of news and politics, providing a balanced and thoughtful view on the most important topics of the moment.