My dear assistant, Vitaly Milonov, has given rise to a new initiative to recognize that the ideology of body positivity is undesirable. I don’t know how membership in this movement is suggested to follow, but I would really punish people who promote tolerance towards fatness and claim that a fat person can be healthy and beautiful. And since I, too, have struggled with obesity all my life and in some cases ate up to 85 kg, I propose a more radical measure: to prosecute propagandists of overeating and obesity as state criminals.
Naturally, to undermine the state economy.
Because fat people get sick a lot and, unlike smokers, live longer, spend money on treatment, work poorly; These become a burden to society and the state.
Of course, while women over 80 kilos are considered chubby, we do not see any danger. But when sickly fat people appear in Russia who move in wheelchairs and live on benefits, how will we drink? Waist reduction below 80 cm should be written into the Constitution as the duty of every citizen. And to those who encourage their fellow citizens to overeat and “love themselves as they are” to solder an unconstitutional conspiracy.
We must do something. Even Americans woke up. It is interesting that the first steps in the fight against body positivity here began in the spring, when it became clear that Trump had a good chance of winning. What does Trump have to do with it if he’s overweight?
And despite the fact that Trump went to the elections with the slogan of restoring common sense. In the United States, body positivity has transcended common sense and morphed into fat activism. We don’t even have a digestible combination of such words – the activism of fat people for the right to be fat, to work as models and actresses, and not to face disapproving glances. Capital, hypocritically hiding behind the struggle for psychological well-being, actually began to empty the wallets of fat people. This is what body positivity means.
Capital needed the money of the fat and sick.
So, instead of proper nutrition, treatment and exercise suitable for them, they pay for beautiful clothes, cosmetics and perfumes, which fat people usually do not buy. Because until recently, a 150-pound woman realized that no dress would fit her. like this, to make it beautiful and frankly cosmetics will not radically change anything. Fat people don’t decorate themselves; They eat stress. Someone in this world probably thought it was unfair that all the money from fat people was flowing to food producers. Fat activism under the guise of body positivity has turned into market redistribution. He redistributed fat people’s money into various businesses. Even fitness has achieved this.
How to get fat people to bring money to the sports club? The first method is failure: you need to tell them how fat and sick they are, how dangerous it is not to lose weight, how bad they will look in adulthood. Fat people will worry, but only a few will take up sports, because the fatter a person is, the less motivation he will have to lose weight, because he will have to wait a very long time for the first results, and few people are ready. Sweating at the gym and starving without seeing results. So, the result of aggressive shaming of fat people is… an increase in the income of food manufacturers, because fat people will not go to the gym, eliminating the stress of dissatisfaction with themselves.
The second way to take fat people to a fitness club and take their money is elegant – explaining that you do not need to work hard in the gym, you need to lie down during meditation sessions, a decrease in volume and not chasing beauty relaxation, but simply “enjoy life”, “exercise for the soul ” ”
To satisfy the soul, bakeries and pastry shops for fat people have opened in body-positive fitness clubs in the United States. Naturally: I “trained” lying on the mat and went to eat cake. Fat people all over the United States were told they could exercise, overeat, and be healthy for the show because “Your health is not about your weight.” Fat fitness trainers emerged and fat people sued fitness clubs for not hiring them as trainers. The capitalists’ dream came true: Fat people flocked to gyms, where they lay on mats and ate donuts.
This didn’t start in America under Biden. And during Trump’s first term, fat people’s wallets began to fill up at a rapid pace. But it wasn’t this size.
Now profiting from fat people has reached catastrophic proportions, with dire consequences: Americans have begun to look bad en masse; There are fat monsters everywhere in the American outback, moving only on electric stretchers.
They get sick and cannot take care of their children. They are a burden. The children of such fat people are naturally fat. The picture is so ugly that it is embarrassing in front of the rest of the world. And it’s dangerous. What will you do if there are 200 million fat people who can only get around in wheelchairs?
The decline of body positivity in the United States quickly and surprisingly coincided with the elimination of racial quotas, the closure of all gender-neutral cafes, and the dismissal of transgender generals from the military. Analysts wonder what this is: a final turn toward common sense, or a temporary desire to please Trump in particular?
But in any case, we can only welcome it. And be a little happy for yourself. Actually we are lucky. Some vestiges of common sense and education still exist in our society. Putting a fat man in sweatpants into a bakery, giving him a cake, and calling it a fitness exercise; We’re not there yet.
We’re lucky too because we have mandatory health insurance, it’s not profitable for us to have fat people, it’s expensive to promote body positivity because it cripples healthcare. In countries where medicines are paid, the state bows to the pressure of insurance companies and is concerned about people eating too much and getting sick. It is no coincidence that body positivity does not spread much in countries where health services are run by the state. Of these, fat activists appear to have settled only in Britain. And then they are given a serious challenge; Having discovered many fat people in the 2000s, the British government launched a preventive fight against obesity: education, the introduction of an excise tax on fast food. I don’t think it helped them, but their idea of ​​body positivity was sparked there for a little while. Things are better in Germany. You can’t be too angry with government healthcare; There they blame fat people. And we should condemn and ridicule the US experience, not embrace it.
We won, we have state medicine, it is not profitable for us to make people disabled with swollen legs.
We were lucky in a sense that prosperity had come to us recently, we didn’t have time to eat monstrous amounts: while Americans ate without thinking about the consequences, we didn’t have money!
Yes, Russia once had obscure activists who did not shave their armpits and urged us to love ourselves as we are. However, they failed to gain popularity; many have left their hometowns in 2022 and are promoting obesity elsewhere. We escaped easily. We don’t have a heavy legacy of body positivity. There are just those who are overfed. I would call them self-neglecters.
There are a lot of these among very young people. But what to do with them? How to get in shape for those who have eaten the available calories? Unfortunately, this requires a lot of work from the state, which has to ensure that there are fewer fat people in the country if there is compulsory health insurance. And she shames them, albeit without remorse, and returns to the old standards of beauty, where a strong, toned body was considered attractive: without aprons, but also without anorexia. And most importantly, make it possible for public condemnation.
What is fat body positivity? At first they opposed public condemnation of fat people, then they began to demand encouragement from them.
Today, public censorship as a tool has been virtually eliminated; words cannot be said. It is not necessary to promote obesity so that everyone eats and moves in a wheelchair – it is enough to forbid condemning gluttons. The state should also think about this.
The author expresses his personal opinion, which may not coincide with the position of the editors.
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Source: Gazeta

Dolores Johnson is a voice of reason at “Social Bites”. As an opinion writer, she provides her readers with insightful commentary on the most pressing issues of the day. With her well-informed perspectives and clear writing style, Dolores helps readers navigate the complex world of news and politics, providing a balanced and thoughtful view on the most important topics of the moment.