cut ties

Some government measures have put us in a bind. The tie makers guild seems to be the only Spanish guild that doesn’t object to anything. They have a knot in their neck. The tie was already pretty forbidden and a bit outdated, and now we blame it on the heat.

-Hey, it’s the jacket that gives off heat.

You are giving a tie to a young man and he doesn’t know what to do with it. you give Gomez de la Serna and makes a gregueria. you give Sanchez and he’s not wearing it. I give it to my wife who knows how to tie a knot. The tie has changed from being almost mandatory to being worn at weddings. Especially if it was yours. Today, department store clerks, managers, bodyguards and multi-monarchists wear a tie and wear it green. The tie is expected to become a symbol of opposition to the Government by the fall (it’s very hot now) as Sánchez does not recommend its use. Maybe even the folks from Podemos at the time wore a bow tie to disagree with Sánchez on any given day. Maybe one fine day you’ll walk down the street wearing a tie and they’ll yell at you sanchista.

We must do everything possible to conserve energy so that not trying to tie the knot leaves us more vigorous, with more spirit and energy. It could be wind energy, because even after three we save the clamor of despair when the desired knot does not appear. Four.

They went for ties and we said nothing; Then they’ll go to the scarves and we’re not going to say anything. It will be late when they come for the long sleeve shirts. In a job interview, a love date or an exam, if anyone takes the exam with a tie, you should open the closet and look with compassion on that tie that brings us luck. The government says you have to take off your tie, turn down the air conditioner, and turn off the lights: Anyone can say they’re inviting us to a sleepover. By the way, they also give off a lot of heat.

Source: Informacion


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