Visit Alacant and visit Fogueres de Sant Joan

How do you beat the teu cor after accompanying the “crucible to start the mascletà”? What happens to the teua pell when they play the first notes of L’Himne de les Fogueres la nit de la cremà? How do you feel when you accompany “Bellesa del Foc” to Plaça de Bous? If you’re from Alicante and inflamed, of course you’ve visualized all these scenes because they’re stored in our collective memory, but perhaps the fins are not ara moltes but something ens havíem don combined with a constructive element: Valencia

Of course, at the beginning of the last century, Alicante’s popular culture was predominantly Valencian, and the language used among the popular classes was natural. However, for various reasons our language continued to be marginalized and diluted from individual language memory. And now, at a time when culture is often mou in Spanish and English, we must demand that both força l’ús and culture be promoted in Valencia. And they play a fundamental role in això les Fogueres.

In one group, the Fogueres Commissions, from seu caire participatiu i de germania, promote and maintain seu ús through identification marks with the name Comissió and això tenint with the merging of the name Fogueres a la nostra ciutat això tenint exponentially in recent years. For example, Fogueres com Port d’Alacant or Pla del Bon Repós-La Goteta, a translation of which is unlikely or, in the imagination, the collectiu alacantí of terms with a mascletà or banyà, or “Tot per la festa”. Translation into Spanish of the slogans of the commission and barracks with “.

Així mateix, the Commissions also develop a mandate to maintain and promote the culture of Alicante, which is a compilation of the history of Alicante in general and our neighborhoods in particular, and applies to bags and tots mitjanchant els llibrets. We should be aware of the significance of this fetish and that most of the texts of the books are set in Valencia, which, along with the descriptions of the monuments and the satires they accompany, have caused the terreta com to regain its traditional humor. A tret genuí of Alicante’s popular culture.

D’altra banda highlights the theater or the saint, with another cultural component that serves to reflect the current problems of Alicante for months. Sense dubte illustrates these saints’ traditions of the city and, as they are not conditioned by cultured literature, fuels an unchanging critique of Marc de la Festa and fully embraces the culture in Valencia. associating the people with our linguistic tradition. Tanmateix, as the works are represented by the members of the Commission, the public can easily identify, think about our environment, riure de nosaltres mateixos i sobretot, remember that it is one of the races from Festa les quals el. valencià is not only permanent, but also s’eixampla.

Potser es por que fa dos anos que no en tenim, de Fogueres, the importance that deserves one of the most defining symbols que no ens havíem don, pels alacantins i alacantines I take as a propis de fa ja gairebé a segle and now from mai more vi. Potser, hauríem, if we take our language, valencià, as an inalienable patrimonial eix defined as a people, because valencià is called, it provokes emotions that cover another symbol of Alicante in its ability to feel, and above all, I do not think so. I know they understand that ‘Fogueres’ perceives valencià.

Source: Informacion


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