In the world of Instasamka and Haga Vaga, along with the proliferation of successful success and a rich and carefree life, large families are also becoming an endangered species, like dinosaurs. And today, on the occasion of World Children’s Day, I want to find out what is the reason for this.
Although there are larger families in Russia, we are still very few in number. And we often attract increased attention from others. Especially where there are more than three children. Tabor, a crowd of gypsies, ragamuffins – this is how people with many children were stigmatized in the 1990s. They were annoying. And although the situation has changed now, this has not been erased from the memory of many Russians. But not enough for large families to become mainstream. Although the government provides support to families with children. But is this enough and what is happening in society right now regarding families with three or more children?
As a mother of four young children, I am very happy with the support the state gives to my family. Various certificates, payments, free children’s camp and museum on the second Thursday of every new month. But I would also like support from society. It does not exist because the state itself has chosen an interesting position.
To provide tangible benefits to a child, you must prove that you are poor. This is what a port mouse is like. Or what kind of church? Below all living wages in third countries. Vegetating in near poverty. And only then will the state bring you into balance, so to speak. From where? How will we maintain the birth rate in the country and expand large families? The state itself also labels large families as poor. And the state saves them and keeps them afloat. What will a modern, healthy and energetic woman choose? Give birth to a child, appoint a nanny for him and go to work and at the same time have a stable income? Or do you give birth to five children, raise them yourself, and live on your husband’s salary and benefits?
Large families can be, or rather should be, wealthy. Mothers should not worry about whether the balance on their “Child Card” will be enough to buy diapers. Such thoughts do not create a healthy microclimate in the family.
If the state continues to work to support large families and begins to support all families with children, regardless of income, then there will be many more children.
After all, a large family equals a rich family. Rich in tradition, rich in love, rich, happy. We are modern and energetic people with many children. We also build our business and pay taxes and salaries to employees. We work in businesses and the service sector.
We do not need mercy or assistance from the state. We need respect and real support.
In fact, we need not only financial support, but also moral and medical support. Why shouldn’t a woman in labor be provided with services for postpartum body restoration and an annual mandatory examination by a psychologist? To physically restore and morally support a woman, eliminate postpartum depression. Provide the opportunity to learn a new profession online for free or the opportunity to continue working remotely without losing child care benefits. Opportunity to invite the government nanny for a few hours a week to take care of your own affairs or help with household chores. I assure you that this will increase the number of large families in the country many times.
A large family can become a Russian brand. Our country’s calling card. We mothers are no worse than gymnasts or hockey players. Our daily work in raising children is as difficult as the daily training of athletes. There are no days off from parenting.
We need to show happy families with many children living in both big cities and small villages on television. Interview people of the era, athletes and politicians, cultural figures – people from large families or those who created such a family themselves.
Maybe it is useful to look at it from the other side: If you are rich, you should have many children, otherwise what good is this wealth? So many resources, so many opportunities to share them, so many knowledge and skills you can pass on. We need to create this image in the media field and present children as real wealth, not as a burden. It’s time to combat the image of unhappy extended family who are only begging for your darn winter jacket and wanting to give them a seat on transport.
We are young, beautiful, energetic and cheerful. You don’t need to feel sorry for us. We need support and respect.
The author expresses his personal opinion, which may not coincide with the position of the editors.
Source: Gazeta

Dolores Johnson is a voice of reason at “Social Bites”. As an opinion writer, she provides her readers with insightful commentary on the most pressing issues of the day. With her well-informed perspectives and clear writing style, Dolores helps readers navigate the complex world of news and politics, providing a balanced and thoughtful view on the most important topics of the moment.