Anastasia Mironova For abortion: How many women terminate pregnancy in Russia We have fewer abortions than in religious Poland, leave our women behind on 23/07/2023, 08:48

One of the biggest mysteries in modern Russia is abortion. I don’t understand why they can’t be left behind.

What is wrong with abortion in our country? They’re going down. Fixed and every year.

In the 30 years since the collapse of the USSR (RSFSR – RF) in our country, abortions have decreased 10 times! Today, Russia ranks 111th in the world in terms of the number of abortions, and these are 2020 data, and in 2021 our abortions still decreased: from 553.6 thousand to 446.1 thousand. Moreover, it is reported that 40-45,000 women have managed to deter abortions in recent years: all this is commissions, weeks of silence and other innovations. In other words, fifty thousand children avoided abortion not because of the persuasion of the obstetrician, but because of the mother’s decision.

Or they were simply not designed, double preserved …

In our country, the state machine always associates the problem of the number of abortions with its hard work. And it’s more related to the economic well-being of women who pay for both grass and rabbit contraception. I think the will of the state and its insistent voice on this issue mean nothing and the problem is exaggerated.

By the way, did you know that spontaneous abortions are included in the number of abortions in Russia?

There is a website that says 18% of all abortions are spontaneous. This is a low. Another 17% are medical abortions, i.e. “pill” abortions in the first month and a half when the embryo is at the few cell stage. But okay, from the state’s point of view such abortion is an unborn taxpayer. However, 18% of abortions should be excluded from abortions. Just to understand the real position of Russia in world statistics, since most developed countries absolutely do not include miscarriage in the number of abortions. For example, the USA does not do this.

Without miscarriage, we had 365,802 abortions in 2021, about 9.9 per 1,000 women. For comparison: in Canada the figure is 12, in Norway – 11, in Poland – which completely bans abortion – 10. This is the level of Hungary – 9.8 abortions per 1000 women per year, and 28th among the countries with the lowest prevalence of abortion in the world. Meanwhile, the abortion rate per thousand women in Britain is 18.6, 20.8 in the USA.

What’s up with the statistics? Thirty years from unconditional leader opponents to leaders. Abortion is not our problem today. They are falling and will continue to fall unless there is an economic collapse or birth control methods become more expensive.

Yes, the number of births is also falling. But this is normal. Russia is a European country, European women live here. And we as Europeans will give birth a little.

Today, breeding is preserved only in Africa and south of the Sahara. Anyone in the north rarely gives birth. Minister Murashko may call us irresponsible, but we will not give birth to him like in Africa. By the way, apparently the minister’s wife is also irresponsible: she gave birth to two children and, according to her resume, preferred to get an education first. That’s when the minister himself will have children as in sub-Saharan Africa, we’ll talk later. We are European!

Why is it generally accepted that we need so many people? Why are they?

We will be 100 million people. Why is it dangerous? Will no one fill the snows of Yakutia and the suburbs of Naryan-Mar? So everything suitable for survival is already mastered there. It used to be necessary to place tens of thousands of campers in permafrost to harvest precious metals, and now twenty people are enough to service a full-time metallurgical plant.

Do we have a shortage of workers? Quickly interesting. We read: Russia has been experiencing a record staff shortage for 27 years, with 42% of enterprises reporting a shortage of workforce. Yes, I hear too. And I myself live in the countryside, there are few people working here, there are no jobs, people win and start in harmony in the sawmill, quarries, provincial construction sites. In Russia there are regional centers where people disappear. I know such people: Pskov, Novgorod, Ivanovo, Kurgan. Things got better in Novgorod, and the whole city was in St. It is full of advertisements for poorhouses in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Tens of thousands of Novgorodians in their laissez-faire industry.

There is huge disguised unemployment masked by part-time and temporary employment in Russia. We won’t even talk about the village, the workers, or the seasonal builders – let’s take the highly educated urban precariat. I believe that at present in Russia there are more than ten million highly educated city dwellers who make a living by occasional and unskilled labor: they sell trivial nonsense on the counters of shopping centers, sell various “nails”, work as an advertising agency, etc. There’s a month, then three. How many couriers! All without sick leave and vacation …

This is the precariat. Even qualified people with permanent jobs are actually precariat. Previously, they worked under civil law contracts, in fact, they did not have holidays or sick days. Now millions have been transferred to self-employment. Initially, it was assumed that self-employed people will be given one-time fixers in advertisements and freelancers. But it turns out that more than 7 million people have already switched to self-employment contracts. Think they’re all plumbers? NO! The self-employed now even has sex with a foreman on a construction site.

The economy in Russia no longer needs tens of millions of people.

But what if 42% of businesses are short of staff? They are concentrated in megacities where people cannot move from the countryside because it is expensive, renting a house, leaving your home and your parents, placing a thirty-sixth grade child in the only school in the industrial area will not work.

You will give less advice for a free abortion. Educated and wealthy women in big cities will find where to have an abortion, and they will pay. Village women will give birth.

They no longer have a job and have three or five children on welfare. The next generation will have twice as many of them.

What kind of unconditional statement that the birth rate should be raised?

Today, several thousand people who can serve the launchers are enough to maintain sovereignty. Another fifty thousand – to invent and manufacture new ones. That speaks roughly. What terrible thing will happen to Russia in 50 years, if we become let’s say 120 million people and we do not import immigrants? Nothing will happen. And abortion will certainly not affect the demographic in any way. You gave up on having abortions 44,000 times last year. Some of these children will die in the womb, some will be abandoned, and the majority will begin to live in undesirable or unnecessarily bad conditions. Has demographics earned too much?

What would happen if we pressured women who had abortions, removed them from private practice, reduced referrals for free surgeries? It is clear that there will be an increase in illegal abortions.

Today they make up about 4% of the total, that is, women already take such risks, because they may not be able to afford compulsory health insurance because of fashion week, and abortion in a private clinic has become expensive as the state puts pressure on private doctors. They go where it’s cheaper: to midwives at home or to wear themselves. A significant number of these abortions will result in complications with infertility being the most harmless.

Well, it will be like under Stalin, when a third of women are hospitalized with sepsis after illegal abortions. How much? According to medical indications, there were only 10% of legal abortions at that time.

Suppose half of the more than 400,000 children sentenced to abortion annually by the abortion ban would be scraped at home and in basements. One thousand and eighty women from victims of illegal abortions will be hospitalized, with one-third left infertile. Today, more than 7% of abortions occur in the first pregnancy. That’s more than 30,000 women. If abortion is outlawed, at least one-third will not be able to give birth at all.

You can calculate what is even more interesting: 446.1 thousand abortions. If we outlaw abortion without medical and social indications, we will get about 400,000 abortions a year, just because the woman doesn’t need or can’t raise children.

We look at Stalin’s statistics, during the two years when abortion was completely banned, their numbers improved, but moved into the illegal sphere, abortions did not stop throughout the Great Patriotic War, they did abortions even in besieged Leningrad, neither hunger nor bombardment stopped them. So today, with the abortion ban, almost all women will go to underground doctors, start poisoning the fetus, cut themselves. One-third of them will be sterile. 133 thousand people. That’s up to 100,000 unborn children.

The experience of the USSR shows that the number of abortions will not change, this is the first. The abortion ban will not affect population growth – the latter.

And when adjusted to the new reality, they will lower that even further because those 133,000 infertile people a year would come out in our case with almost zero maternal and infant mortality, lots of benefits and affordable drugs. Under Stalin, my grandmother was torn in half, but in modern conditions these women would still give birth sooner or later.

In addition to mortality, we will experience terrible disappointment in society, because abortion bans in Russia are associated only with the most brutal political regimes.

The fight against abortion was in the hands of the kings. The early years of Bolshevik liberalization legalized abortion. Since 1924, abortion began to be banned in the minds of the population, which was connected with Bolshevik terror, and then with collectivization. Complete prohibition of abortion – summer 1936. Do I need to explain what the population associates with it?

Abortion ban in Russia is an inappropriate measure and incomprehensible to the public. We went through it and it didn’t work.

We are not a religious country, we have very few deeply religious people, we have 70 years of atheism behind us, all arguments for the divine origin of life in our country are powerless in the face of a woman’s reluctance to take an extra mouth.

They are weak in religious countries too. Abortion tourism and illegal operations are developing in Ireland, where abortion is completely banned. And despite the piety of the Irish, in 2018 the country moved towards legalizing abortion.

Poland is the only Western developed country where abortion is completely banned today. And the situation there is dire. I lived among Poles in the late 2000s and saw waves of abortionists flocking to the UK after the country joined the EU. We had a friend, Sandra, a very young girl, who did not have time to go abroad for an abortion and gave birth to an unnecessary child – a girl, Kinga. His neighbors took part in his upbringing.

Immigration from Poland is enormous. And that includes abortion. How many little Poles were never born in this country due to the immigration of young women and complications from illegal abortion?

What we absolutely have to love in Poland? A mixture of Stalinism and Catholic Puritanism. And so that thousands certainly flee the country, hundreds of thousands burn in basements from sepsis?

I repeat: the country has become the leader in the least number of abortions. We passed religious Poland. Mr. Murashko and several top clergy are not happy about this, they want Russian women to rot in basements after iodine injections?

In that case, it would be better for Minister Murashko to find a job in sub-Saharan Africa, because we now have ties to him. And we don’t need to spoil the statistics here!

The author expresses his personal opinion, which may not coincide with the editors’ position.

Source: Gazeta


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