The media landscape in Russia is changing. A few decades ago, the conditional “Kommersant” set a high language (inclusive) bar for commercial and economic materials in Russia. Now, look out the window. The traditional media is being replaced by the hastily born Telegram channels, which I suspect were written by malnourished Vietnamese children … Well, malnourished Russian hipsters, which does not affect the quality of the texts at all.
It’s generally fun to read and sometimes just scary.
I will not discuss the style of economic news in Telegram news channels here. After all, women, children, elderly relatives and Roskomnadzor can read me. I would like to discuss texts written by adults doing business in Russia.
I used to think there was nothing worse than bureaucratic language. All this endless ‘there is’, ‘performs’, ‘actualization of activity’ – millions, billions of meaningless, ringing bureaucracy like empty buckets. An average bureaucratic text feels like it was written by a puncher and not by someone. And it seems: who in their right mind would fake this disgrace?
And then something terrible happened: a Russian businessman! Modern business vocabulary is based on three pillars: bureaucratic clergy, foreign words, and youth slang.
From these three components was born the kikimora, which looks at the reader unblinkingly from the public and through the channels, scaring literacy, putting philologists in the coffin.
“The dynamic brand has implemented successful examples that appeal to a wide variety of audiences.”
Who stood on whom? Where did the lawsuits go? Lyudmila Petrovna, will there be lawsuits? As you read, many questions arise.
Most importantly, it is poignant that in Telegram it is customary to divide such abracadabras into paragraphs, with special icons for the weak-minded (smiles) and underlining in bold fonts.
In the eyes of writers, the reader is a citizen with slanted eyes and drooling from his chin. Without a ‘fire’ or ‘lightning’ symbol, it will not grasp the motto at all: “Our promising startups: what it takes to stimulate the market, the secrets to lead generation.”
I drew some light and the text – like clockwork, a spoonful of honey in the ear! This seems to be the opinion of the authors.
Just an idiot – not the reader in this case. And one who, in my humble opinion, uses a vocabulary that is foreign to a wide audience and is highly specialized. And then he was sincerely surprised – “why didn’t he go?”
Sometimes, a few hundred years from now, I dream of grateful grandchildren who will uncover these letters of ours and together – an entire generation – will go crazy in search of meaning.
Finally, I would like to say this: Dear author, be conscientious and protect the reader. From your work texts, I feel the same emotions as the Strugatsky hero Bigfoot Fedya feels from the songs of the climbing bards. I’ll quote, maybe it fits everything:
“The worst,” said Fedya, “these are climbers with guitars. You can’t imagine how terrible it is, Edik, in his native, quiet mountains where only landslides sound, and even then, at a foretold time, suddenly someone knocks, knocks on the door, and starts grumbling just above his ear. . , how “nipup” climbed to the “gendarme” and “washed along the back”, and then “the spearhead hit the ground” … This is a disaster Edik. Some of us get sick from this, and even the weakest of us die … “.
The author expresses his personal opinion, which may not coincide with the editors’ position.
Source: Gazeta

Dolores Johnson is a voice of reason at “Social Bites”. As an opinion writer, she provides her readers with insightful commentary on the most pressing issues of the day. With her well-informed perspectives and clear writing style, Dolores helps readers navigate the complex world of news and politics, providing a balanced and thoughtful view on the most important topics of the moment.