bazaar section Took It surprises us with very useful news every week. house. We can find the perfect product for this week keep the house away from dust. It also protects from wind and cold. about a pedestal for placing under the door entry and cost less than 3 euros. We will see its features and how you should place it so that it insulates your floor from the outside.


  • Lidl has the perfect device to keep your food longer and better.

  • The most sought after Lidl air purifier with its low price

This simple element will save you hours of cleaning from time to time. will prevent dust from entering the house through the little gap under the door.

Aldi insulated skirting for doors

Insulated skirting for doors can be very helpful for protecting your home. house protected against wind, dust and cold. It measures 95 cm and can be cut to fit your doors. It is sold in four different colors: brown, gray, white and beige. In addition to its usefulness, this socket attracts attention with its low price. only cost 2.99 €.

Aldi’s insulated baseboard will further protect the case from dust and the cold outside. TOOK

This insulated baseboard will also help you out. energy-saving because it will better protect the temperature inside the house in summer or winter and prevent the cold or heat from outside from entering your home.

Aldi’s insulated baseboards are available in a variety of colors. TOOK.

insulation socket very easy to put on It can be placed on the inside of the entrance door and also above the doors to the terrace or balcony.

Other Aldi products for the home

Inside aldi’s catalog This week we may find other products for the home such as towels or cleaning brushes with different heads.

One of the towels that the supermarket chain is on sale these days is in the form of a dress, very comfortable to step out of the shower. Also typical shower and sink towels in different colors.

this terry “health” suit It is very soft and absorbent as it is 100% cotton. It is available in various colors and measures 80×180 cm.

Aldi shower towels. TOOK

The hand towels are sold in packs of two and are both €8.99. It measures 50 x 100 cm and is available in various colors.

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The shower is priced at 8.99 euros and measures 70 x 140 centimeters. It is also available in various colors and its composition is 100% cotton.