Australian scientists first discovered that wars were hunted for white sharks in the waters of the country. DNA analysis on the remains of one of the sharks on the shore in 2023 showed that this predatory liver was deliberately defeated by a warehouse. Published in İş Magazine Ecology and Evolution.
Previously, such behaviors were observed on the shores of South Africa, where a pair of murderers, known as harbor and starboard, hunted white sharks regularly, ate their liver and left the mascara. Now scientists have found that this strategy of behavior is also present in the Australian waters.
To do a study, the authors of the study took DNA samples from deep bites on the body of a shark. In one of the wounds, it was possible to detect the genetic material of the killer whale and other sharks in the traces of Scefolders. Shortly ago, the local residents saw two famous knittings in the name of Bent Type and fluctuation in addition to the detection of carcasses, but it is still impossible to verify their participation in the hunting.
Researchers say that the hunting of braids for sharks may be more common than previously taken into consideration. Similar cases have already been recorded in other areas where the Gulf of Mexico and Wanders attacked various sharks. If such hunting becomes a common event in Australia, this can seriously affect the marine ecosystem.
White sharks play an important role in regulating populations of other sea animals. In South Africa, a decrease in the number has already led to changes in the food chain. Now, scientists have to learn how the hunting of the killer whales on these predators will affect the balance of ecosystems in the Australian waters.
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Source: Gazeta

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.