In Tver, a man hit a woman who was not familiar for the kind question of his dog. About it reports Russian Ministry of Interior Press Service in TV region.
Information about the incident entered the police from the employees of one of the city hospitals. Doctors reported that a local resident returned to help with facial injuries. The woman said she was beaten by a non -familiar man who was drunk.
The incident occurred in the evening when the victim’s dog walked and collided with another dog breeder. The woman asked if she had a fight and did not like this question so much that she hit the foreigner twice with a fist on her face, then disappeared.
Upon the truth of the incident, a criminal case was filed and the suspect was found and detained.
“It turned out to be a resident of the Zavolzhsky region, born in 1980, and had repeatedly convicted. He confessed his deed, but could not explain the reason for his aggressive behavior. ”
It is decided to choose a preventive measure.
Krasnoyarsk to A Dog before Stuck to his face The child who decides to feed his sausages.
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Source: Gazeta

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.