Acute respiratory viral infections (SAR) increases in cold season. Moreover, many people are given medicine on their own, which is not only ineffective, but also increases the risk of complications. The main errors in the treatment of Arvi were explained by the practitioner of SM-Clinic Farida Böden.
One of these mistakes was called attempts to overcome an antiblik and a viral infection. According to him, antibiotics are weak in the treatment of viral infection, and only complex SARS (sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis, frontal, etc.) taken antibiotics negatively affect the intestinal microflora, so that weakens the immune system, usually can affect the function of the liver and kidneys, so it can affect the function of the liver and kidneys. It should be observed carefully.
“Most of the time, patients without noticing, for example, reduce 37.5 degrees slightly high temperature. In the first three days of the disease, the body temperature should not be increased to 38.5-39.0 degrees, because the immune system at high body temperature has an active work against viruses. At the same time, the patient’s age and related diseases should be taken into account, he said. The elderly and the increase in body temperature increase to 38.5 degrees (tremor, severe headache) are still recommended to reduce body temperature. ”
If the temperature increases over 39 degrees, then it should be reduced and immediately, blood clot formation, loss of consciousness, cardiovascular system, brain edema and so on.
Another common error in the treatment of SAR is the use of drugs with antitussive effects. Patients who miscarked such drugs wrong, then prevent the accumulated sputum discharge and cause even more paroxysmal coughing, ”he added therapist.
In addition, according to him, patients usually begin to accidentally take antiviral drugs and expect a “miracle effect ından from them. However, as the doctor emphasizes, the effectiveness of most antiviral drugs has not been proven.
Another common error is the negligence of the bed regime. It should not be ignored, because the body’s resources should aim to combat viruses to prevent further than the risk of more complications with the addition of bacterial infection.
“The desire to close windows and windows everywhere to avoid drafts during illness is also a wrong solution, because the viral load in the room is high and the probability of a long course of disease increases with complications,” he said.
According to him, the treatment of non -complex SARs should assume: bed rest, diet and plenty of drinks; Decrease in body temperature if necessary; Rinse with nasal saline solutions; Use vasoconstricor drugs that are not more than three days with intranasal nasal congestion; Treatment with local drugs with pain in the throat; Use of mucolytic and sputum drugs with wet cough.
“Even if we are talking about a weak exposure SARs, the best decision of the patient will be a doctor’s attractiveness. Only one expert, an expert who evaluates the situation, will be able to choose the right and effective therapy. ”
Previously OutputIn each ten, Russian encountered the exacerbation of the disease due to late visits to the doctor.
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Source: Gazeta

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.