A group of international scientists from France, Germany and Cat-D’ivoire discovered that a chimpant from different communities used unique gestures to draw women to mate. This indicates the existence of the similarity of dialects in these primates. The study was published scientifically magazine Existing biology (curbio).
The team watched four chimpanzee communities in Cat-D’ivoire in Tai National Park from 2013 to 2024.
They allocated four types of gestures used by men to attract women: ç hit the heel ”, ş shock with the joints of the fingers”, “cutting the leaves” and “shaking branches”. It turned out that the frequency and preference of these gestures varies between communities showing the existence of cultural differences.
“We found that chimpanzees of different groups use the same movements, but with different frequencies. It is similar to the dialects in people, Math Mathieu Malelerb explained.
Especially interesting, the last adult man’s illegal hunters in 2004 after the victim of the illegal hunters, one of the chimpanzee groups disappeared completely disappeared from the repertoire of the “articulated fingers” gesture.
Scientists suggest that the loss of adult men serving as an example to be followed leads to loss of this movement. This is a rare example of how human activities can affect the cultural traditions of animals.
Previously, researchers learnedMonkeys realize the ignorance of people and indicate the mistakes made.
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Source: Gazeta

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.