Vegetables, fruits, and protein foods can help reduce and eliminate sugar cravings. About this “Moscow 24” said nutritionist Daria Rusakova.
In this regard, he recommends including egg dishes, cottage cheese, cheese, fish, seafood and poultry in your diet. According to him, these protein foods will help improve metabolism and slow down the absorption of carbohydrates. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, acids and carbohydrates, and also contain a large amount of dietary fiber. The doctor explained that in this way, glucose is absorbed more smoothly and evenly.
He reminded that sugar and sweet foods cause serious harm to the body.
“Desserts are extra and empty calories. An excess of simple carbohydrates inevitably leads to obesity and diabetes. In addition, sugar is harmful to dental health,” Rusakova concluded.
Previously, researchers from China discoveredIt turns out that colonization of the intestine with Bacteroides vulgatus bacteria helps reduce sugar intake and reduce the risk of metabolic diseases.
Previously was named The main provocateur of diabetes and heart disease.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.