Ecologist: Fuel oil will pollute all Black Sea people by April 15:03

Honored Ecologist of Russia Andrei Peshkov said that fish and other inhabitants of the Black Sea died in the area of ​​​​the fuel spill; He says only people who “walked” along the shore during the disaster survived. By April, the fuel oil that has settled at the bottom will rise to the surface and poison the entire marine life chain in the disaster area. warned He is in talks with NSN.

“Some of the hydrocarbons that the fish breathe are dissolved in the water. Fuel oil is a serious situation; some of it floats, but not all of it. If the air warms up, more will come to the surface,” the expert explained.

With the arrival of spring, the situation will worsen, and when the waters begin to warm up in March-April, marine inhabitants will begin to suffer more. Now a lot of fuel oil remains at the bottom, algae, rocks – when heated, they will float and dissolve in the sea, causing damage to the entire chain of life.

“Crawfish, for example, are the food source of everything, this is the most vulnerable part, they are primarily sensitive to the respiratory process. These are always used to evaluate water quality,” Peshkov concluded.

Let us remind you that in the State Duma called for limitation catching fish and seafood in the Black and Azov Seas following the fuel oil spill. They can accumulate petroleum products that can cause health problems, including liver damage. From now on at Rospotrebnadzor I promisedHe said that experts will strengthen control over the quality of Black Sea fish and check it for the content of oil products. While sample studies on fish caught in the Black Sea show that there is no oil pollution, sure head of department Anna Popova.

Previously reportedIt was stated that rescue teams collected more than 164 thousand tons of sand after the fuel leak in the Black Sea.

What are you thinking?

Source: Gazeta


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